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Results Results-detail competition categories Rules and regulations Honey Oat Biscuit - recipe



  1. Each person may make 1 entry per category
  2. All work submitted must be the work of the entrant and not previously shown - not at last years show!!
  3. The exhibitor or a nominated representative should bring entries to the Community room. There is an entrance fee of £1 per exhibitor regardless of the number of categories entered.
  4. Items entered in the following classes - preserves, wines & beers, handicrafts and photos must be presented to the Community room on the Friday evening between 8 and 9pm. Any other items that the exhibitors feel happy to present on the Friday evening would be greatly received as to ensure the entries are properly exhibited.
    The remaining classes are to be presented to the Community room on the Saturday morning between 8.30 and 9.30am (please come as early as possible). Entries cannot be accepted after 10am
  5. All exhibits will be presented on white plates available from the hall, Mellissa or Sara
  6. No entries may be removed before 3.30pm on the day of the show. Entries left after 4pm will be classed as donated and will be auctioned.
  7. The organisers reserve the right to split classes if necessary on the day.


Doors to be opened at 2pm. Following the viewing there will be tea and an auction of donated entries. Entrance £1 adults and 50p for children and OAPs, exhibitors free.
Donations of baking for the teas would be greatly appreciated.
Any questions or problems contact Mellissa or Sara.


Each class will be awarded a 1ST, 2ND , and 3RD . Each section will have an over all 'Best in Show' award and trophy and there will be an over all show 'Supreme Champion' and 'Reserve' trophies.
Trophies certificateas and prizes will be presented at the dance in the evening.