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Current Weather at Eday School
Date:  20/04/07  Time: 13:44:26  
Temp 6.7°C High 6.8 °C at  2/02/07 3:12  
Low 2.9°C at  1/02/07 17:24
Humidity  % Not Available
Barometer Pressure
Trend steady
Wind 0.0 mph
Wind Direction ----
High  0.0 mph at  19/01/07 13:32
Wind Chill 6.7°C Low  2.9 °C at   1/02/07 17:24
Daily Rain 0.00mm Total Rain 27.20mm


We now have 24hr broadband access in the school and the data is now The data is updated approx every 25mins day and night using a 'Davis Weather Monitor II' and a 486 based PC running windows 95. The readings are archived and daily high/lows are reset at around midnight each night.

The station has been recording since May 2002 - if you are interested in the archived data please contact us

Our apologies, but the humidity sensor no longer works - the innards have corroded away, and the anemometer (wind speed) now only works sporadically.

Our UPS has also failed so power cuts mean the loss of data up to the previous archive time and mean the website will not be updated until the system has been restarted manually.

However, the rain gauge has been repaired and is now working.